Sunday, July 5, 2020

Christmas 2019

Christmas Eve
The kids opening their Christmas jammies.

Nana surprised the kids with a box of gifts mailed to our house and did really well especially considering the fact that we haven't seen her in a long time.  Hazel opened the first gift and was beyond excited about her new Spirit doll.

Our Christmas morning tradition continues to be having Grammy and Caleb over for breakfast before church.  They are usually only able to stay for a little bit of gifts but it's still fun to have them.

Daddy reading the Christmas story.

This year we did a lot of Amazon shopping and the kids spent their allowance money buying each other gifts.  It was fun to see what they picked and how thoughtful they can be.

They were really excited to give each other their gifts.

This year I was a little worried that the kids were going to be disappointed.  Between Disneyland and the babies I didn't have a ton of energy or time to put into looking for gifts.  So for the most part I purchased everything at Costco.  They each got 3 small things and an ornament and it felt toned down quite a bit from other years, which was on purpose, but then when it came right down to it I really do love making them all happy.  Anyway I was pleasantly surprised by their reactions and how genuinely excited they were about their gifts.  In fact when it was all said and done Sadie said, "this was the best Christmas!  I got everything I wanted."  I can't help but love these years when they're all young and so easily pleased.  I know the year is coming when they realize that the things they get aren't nearly as cool as what their friends get, but for now, I'm savoring their joy and gratefulness over simple things.





Someday were going to laugh about the intensity of our little nut.  Alright maybe we already do.  Good thing Evie is so laid back most of the time.


Daddy hit it out of the park this year with the boys' gift.  They have gotten into watching football so we got them a bunch of football cards and a binder.  I seriously do not understand how they can spend so much time looking at them and organize them but Brandon was right.  The LOVE them!!!!

Christmas at Grammy's House
After nap time we headed to Grammy's house for Christmas dinner and games.  This year the kids were on teams and had to dress someone up to look like a snowman.  Hazel and Evie turned out pretty cute!



The Day After Christmas
We went back over to Grammy's house so that the girls could try out their new car. 

Carter got a car too and was pretty funny.  He rode it up a tree and flipped it on his first night at home and he about ran me over with it when I pulled it out for him today.  The red ones really don't stop!!!

I was proud of the way the big kids got out there and played with the little ones even though they were a little disappointed that they were to big to ride.  They were really good sports today!

Christmas wore these kiddos right out!

Another gift came in the mail today from our good friends Dale and Tina.  Each of the kids got to open $10.  They were pretty excited and I'm pretty sure it is already burning a hole in their pockets.

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