Wednesday, July 29, 2020

10 Months Old

Who's Who?  I'm still not sure.  Is that terrible?  Sometimes I feel like these girls have changed quite a bit and I am fairly certain I can tell them apart and then the next day I'm just not so sure.  I often find I'm identifying them by bruises or outfits or behaviors more than anything else.  They really are so identical!  Personality wise I feeling like they're becoming more and more their own little people but looks wise they are still very very much alike.
I'm guessing this is Maddie but we'll never know for sure.  I'd guess that because she seemed to have a bruise on her head for a month straight.  In fact she's earned a new nick name "Bonk" because she's a little braver than sis but as a result also crashes and falls a little more than sis.  Unfortunately for her Mommy isn't so great at catching 2 babies at the same time when they are both learning to stand.  We've also taken to calling them "Noodle Knockers and Naughty Nuggets."  Both of which are pretty funny to hear Hazel and Evie say.

And I'd guess that this is Aubrey because she has a few pieces of hair that seem a tiny bit longer in the front.

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)
In this photo you can see Aubrey's tiny hemangioma just under her left arm.  Thank goodness for that sweet little marking!


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