Saturday, June 13, 2020

Happy Birthday Evie

Evie's birthday is one day after my Dad's.  In fact I'll always remember going into labor with her because we went out to eat for Dad's birthday and I remember talking to my siblings about how as much as I didn't want to, I was going to pull out the jogging stroller and do some serious walking the next day.  This however never happened because I woke up a few hour later with contractions and she was born just a few hours after that.  Anyway, so this year because it would have been my Dad's 60th we went up to Caldera to be together as a family and we celebrated Evie's birthday while we were there as well.

Oh Evie!  You are the sweetest!  You are a favorite of all your Aunts and Uncles right now, and we just adore you.  You have the cutest little voice, you are always on your tippy toes, you can't help but be blonde, you giggle constantly, you fall constantly, you love princesses and squishies and barbie games with Hazel.  When you're being silly you always roll your eyes way up to talk, you have your own funny little noise you make when people are being silly with you, and we are constantly reminded that while you are so big you are also still so little.  You hang with the big kids pretty well after all for only being 3.  You rarely nap, you happily watch Star Wars, you're willing to play all their nonsense games, and they love you for it, but you are also still little.  Some days you are so worn out from keeping up with their shenanigans and that is when we really stop to remember that you are still only 3 and that we should savor these days because you're growing up quick.  I seriously wish that I could bottle up a little bit of your voice and hope that I never forget the sound of you pretending with Hazel or laughing with your Daddy.   

You've been affectionately nicknamed Farley, like Chris Farley, because your Mommy gave you a bad comb over one day after your bath which your daddy thought was hilarious and also because you're so darn funny.  You've also acquired the the nickname Crash this year because...well.. because you crash ALL THE TIME!  Luckily most of the time you just laugh and say I falled, haaaaaaaa, I'm okay!      

We love you Farley!  Don't grow up!              

I love this video of you and Cooper.  He has always been so sweet with you!

Still so little!
 Grammy gives each of the kids a quiet book when they turn 3.  Evie was so excited to get hers.

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