Thursday, June 25, 2020

Disneyland 2019!

We have been talking about this trip for such a long time.  Grammy took the grandkids 5 years ago and we all had such a great time that we decided we should do it every 5 years.  However, back then Grammy was only taking 2 families with 5 kids between us.  This time around we took 3 families with a total of 12 kids, all 10 and under.  There was lots of back and forth on if this was a good idea and honestly it was a little bit crazy, but it's not the first and probably won't be the last time I push for something crazy for the sake of making memories.  I think I get this from my mom! :)

Anyways, the kids have been so excited about this for months and months and I have been too.  I was really nervous about how the twins would do, but in my mind it was going to get a lot harder before it got easier with those two.  Right now they are still happy to be carried in a baby carrier and they still sleep in the pack and play pretty well.  I think the hardest part will be feeding them as they're not really doing much in the way of solid foods yet. 

Here we are leaving school the Friday before our trip.  The kids are missing a whole week of school for this which is something we never do.  They are sooooooo excited!!!!

Monday, December 9th at 6:20 a.m.
Our flight leaves at 10:30, has a layover in San Jose, and then lands in Orange County at 2:20.  We will be in the plane for just over 3 hours with a 45 minute layover.  Should be an adventure.

Security ✔
Uncle Brian and Auntie Amy cut it close for this flight.  In fact we really thought they were going to miss the flight and have to catch one later in the day.  We were loaded and ready to take off before they boarded.  Amy says think Home Alone as they ran through the airport to catch the plane.  We were just so glad they made it :)

Boarded and in our seats ✔✔✔

Daddy sat with Farley and the Nut.

Mommy manned the boys and Aubrey.

Grammy sat with Caleb, Maddie, and Sadie.
All and all everyone did really well on the flight.  I'm sure we got a lot of looks as we all boarded and swapped babies back and forth during the flight so that I could nurse them, but I was very relieved that no one lost it.

The layover wasn't anyone's favorite but we survived.

Except maybe Payton's because she got some baby time.

Once we landed Daddy and Caleb went to rent a car with a lot of the luggage and Grammy, Hazel, Evie, the babies, and I called a Lyft driver.  This was my first experience with one of these services and it was pretty slick.  We knew from the very beginning that car seats and gear in general were going to be one of our biggest challenges but I think we did pretty good.  I should have taken a picture but I was able to hook both of the infant seats to the handle of our double jogger, I wore the babies, and then either Evie and Hazel or the extra stuff rode in the stroller.  That left only the big 3 walking and Daddy with hands for Hazel and Evie.  We were exhausted managing it all, but I think all things considered we did well.  As far as car seats, we packed a booster for Hazel and a Ride Safe vest which we borrowed for Evie in one of our suitcases and just pulled them in and out when we needed them which was only for the ride to and from the airport.  I didn't feel like everyone was as safe as I would have liked them to be but thankfully we really weren't in the car much.

 The plane ride of course was too exciting so these two were wiped out by the time we loaded them into the car.  They were literally out within minutes.

I set up a grocery delivery for shortly after we arrived at the condo which worked out great and Brandon's Dad came by to see the kids and to take Brandon and the older kids out to dinner.  I stayed and waited for our groceries, set up the kids in their bedrooms, and prepared for the adventures to come.
 Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

How convenient that our condo had 2 high chairs.  

Grammy made these cute cookies for the kids and gave them autograph books for the park.

The kids had planned to go miniature golfing but by the time they got there it was closing for a private party so they ended up playing for just a few minutes and then getting pizza and playing games there.
I think everyone was pretty wiped by the end of the day.  I know I was.

We ended our day trying to unwind from traveling and doing our best to plan for Day 1 at Disneyland!

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