Tuesday, June 23, 2020

7 Months Old

These girls continue to be on the move.  They are so busy!!  We cannot even imagine what it's going to be like when they start to crawl but I'm sure they will keep us on our toes.  This month the girls tried their first solid food which wasn't quite as bad as I feared and generally they continue to be such happy little things.  They are hard because there are two of them but aside from that they are really such good girls.
Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

Starting them young on Barbie games and little girl shenanigans.

Outfits from one of my college girlfriends, Allison, who was so sweet to remember us.

I tell you what....these girls put up with a lot and are definitely going to know how to roll with the punches.


We don't have much longer in these.  They're getting pretty close to wiggling out.

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)

First bites of rice cereal were a success.  I'd been dreading starting solids just because it adds one more thing to our day plus it's always so messy at first but so far they've done really well!


1st Thanksgiving!

Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)



1st Trip to the Christmas tree farm.

This little purple one is the one their siblings wanted.

These 2 are NEVER lacking attention!

The girls' favorite part of the day continues to be floor time with Daddy at the end of the day.  They're getting to where they sit pretty nicely in their highchairs while we eat dinner.  I usually feed them right before we eat and then on a good day they can hang out there with us while we eat.  By the time we're done they're usually tired of sitting too so Daddy takes them upstairs while I clear the table and they're so happy just to crawl all over him and play.

They're getting to be little chunks and we love it.  There's just so much baby!!!

The girls turned 7 months on our first day at Disneyland and as you can see from the picture it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep them in one place for more than a second.

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