Monday, August 20, 2018

Christmas 2017

We tried a new tree farm this year and the trees were cheap but a little on the scraggly side.  I was a little bummed but if I remember right this was our second stop and it was raining so I knew better than to push my luck.  So, Grammy and I picked out our trees and it ended up looking great all decorated.

I have such fond memories growing up of decorating the tree and the house with my mom so I always try to let the kids help with the decorating.  It never feels quite as fun as I remembered it to be but perhaps that's because now I'm in charge.  Regardless, I hope my kids will grow up with fond memories of decorating as well.  Every year we buy each of the kids an ornament that represents a milestone or something significant to them from that year.  They get to so excited to find all of their ornaments and to hear stories about why we choose each one.

Daisy had her 3rd litter of kittens the Thursday evening before Christmas.  It started off so exciting!  I was upstairs feeding Evie and Brandon text Robert and I that she'd had kittens.  Our excitement quickly turned to dismay as he text, "I think there's a problem!"  Based on the pictures Robert told us that it looked like her uterus had prolapsed.  A quick google search of this condition revealed that this was not good and going to cost A LOT, did I mention it was the Thursday before Christmas, and my heart began to sink more and more.  So I called Robert and asked him if there was anything he could do.  He said that sometimes he can put a uterus back into a cow but he didn't know about a cat.  So without really thinking about exactly what I was asking I asked if he'd come and try.  I was desperate to feel like we had at least tried to help our Daisy.  Robert kindly said he would and with the help of "Brandon's death grip," soap, water, and powder sugar, he replaced her uterus.
WHAT?!?!?!?  I KNOW!!!
Only Uncle Robert can pull this stuff off and you can't make it up.  He came back and gave her a shot of penicillin that night and for the next few days and AMAZING our cat survived!  To make the story even crazier the next morning when Brandon checked on her he noticed that 3 of the kittens were moved off to the side and appeared to be dead.  They had gotten a little soapy and wet from the "procedure" and it looked like we'd lost them.  So Brandon moved them away from Daisy and said he'd take care of it when he got home.  Five hours later we are busy decorating gingerbread houses with Grammy and Kendy and Robert comes over to give Daisy another shot.  He says he'll take care of the kittens we lost, but when he sees them he says that one of them is "possibly" still alive.
So, "just in case" he puts them by the wood stove and tells Sadie to flip them every 10 minutes.  Would you believe that all 3 of those kittens literally came back to life in front of our eyes and were back nursing with mommy within an hour as if nothing had happened.  I'm telling you it was our own crazy little Christmas miracle.

We've learned that the babies really only want to open one present and then play with that present.  So we buy way less than we use to and this year we let Evie open one of her presents a few days early on a night that she just happened to be really interested in the tree and the gifts.  We knew she wouldn't know the difference and this way we really got to enjoy watching her open it and play without all the other distractions.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas our tradition the past 2 years has been to invite Grammy over for breakfast and presents at our house.  After breakfast we read the Christmas story, open gifts, and play.  Then after nap time we all head over to Grammy's house for dinner and games.

We got Hazel a Baby Alive doll.  You can feed it "juice" and then it cries tears and you can pretend to be the doctor and care for the baby.  Hazel was NOT impressed.  In fact she was mostly just terrified and didn't even want it in her room at night.  Oh Well, I'm learning that there's always one gift that doesn't go as planned.

Legos are the big thing for the boys right now.  They were so excited and spent every waking minute working on their new set until it was finished.

Sadie got a sewing kit and made this cute cat while her brothers worked on their legos.

We have been doing a sibling gift exchange for the past couple of years and usually we aren't very original but this time I was very proud of our creativity.  Brandon made this blanket ladder and I made the blankets.

Headed to Grammy's house!

I have the best sister in law.  Two years ago she volunteered to plan some games for the kids and it was a huge hit!  She planned them again this year and seriously it is a major highlight for the kids.  So much laughter!  Thank you for the fun new tradition Katie!

Finally, we wrapped up our Christmas break with a visit from Brandon's Dad and Jerry.  The kids had a lot of fun playing with them.

And showing off for them.

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