Friday, August 17, 2018

Ordinary Days

My littlest girls are quite the little friends these days.  They bother each other some, but mostly they entertain one another.  Evie loves to watch and laugh at Hazel and Hazel thrives on the attention so it's a win win for these two!

Evie's really on the move which means trying to keep the stairs blocked off to her but not to the bigger kids.  It's tricky business.

Getting So Big

Big enough to make salad.

Or Be the Salad?

Just a normal day with babies learning to walk, hostile negotiations with Hazel over eating, and lots and lots of legos.

We love Uncle Robert!

Sleepy kids are some of our favorites!

Birthday Parties


We're slowly introducing chores though if I'm honest I'm very inconsistent about enforcing them.  As it turns out chores are a lot of work for Mommy and the kids.  I know it will be worth it in the end but right now all the reminding drives me a little batty.  None-the-less here are a couple of good our good moments.  Sadie and Wyatt have started hauling up the trashcans for us and Cooper is in charge of letting Zoey in and out of her Kennel when we come or go.

And This....
Seriously??  Why are the poop jokes so funny to kids?  And Husbands for that mater??  We confiscated this lovely drawing on the way home from church the other day.  Go ahead and picture my face in my palm while Brandon snickers followed by eye rolling.

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