Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Good Friends

I've come to understand that deep friendship is rare and should never be taken for granted.  It's hard enough as a couple to find another couple that you really feel like you connect with and who you can be totally honest with.  Throw into that mix a bunch of kids, plus the nonstop nature of parenting, and it can sometimes feel almost impossible to make a meaningful connection.  That is why we are so thankful for the Wallaces who have made a point to come and visit us almost yearly since we've moved from So Cal.  We love, love, love that they not only stop in for a day but are comfortable staying with us for multiple days.  It always feels crazy that first day, everyone is so excited!  Our kids run around trying to show their kids everything and we try to squeeze a year worth of catching up into an evening.  However, by day 2 or 3 it feels like we're neighbors again, our kids are friends, and we're cooking together, and cleaning up messes, and adventuring, and just enjoying the blessing of a lasting friendship.  I've come to view this as a special kind of blessing.  This staying in one another's home, this intentional investment, this chunk of time in an often busy and segregated life.  This is a gift we don't get when we live in the same city and it really is a special kind of blessing.  

Silver Falls
All photo credits go to Andrea.  She's such a great photographer and I always look forward to seeing what she captures during our time together!

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