Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The N.I.C.U. - Going Home!!!

DAY 15 - May 25th - Saturday
Brandon spent the night here and then headed home to see the kids for the day.  We had another meeting with Dr. Shrelonka which was good.  Maddie hasn't had any issues since we took her off of the formula Thursday, so he's really thinking that it's a dairy allergy which she will hopefully outgrow.  He says we should start her on an elemental formula to see how she does, but I asked if it would be okay to introduce that under the care of a pediatrician since he's fairly certain we're dealing with an allergy.  He agreed and said that a pediatrician would be qualified to take over her care.  Hallelujah!!   I already scheduled an appointment for Monday in hopes that we'd be out of here by then and it's looking like we will be!

It was raining a lot today which was kinda fun!  Reminded me of bringing Sadie home.  It rained that day in California too which I remember because it was kind of unusual for California.  We also moved to what they call the "family room" today which means we are REALLY, REALLY close.  They have two rooms where you can stay the day or two before you leave.  The nurses still check in on you but for the most part you are on your own like a little trial run before you go.  We are ready!!!  We still need to finish up their car seat tests tonight but I'm hoping maybe tomorrow!?!?!

The kids have named this one PeeWee.  She was the first one born and their favorite.  Goats really are such funny little creatures.

Daddy braved Arby's for lunch with the whole crew.  Even Mommy isn't brave enough to take them all into a restaurant by herself.

This was our last meeting with Dr. Schelonka.  Notice there is only one cord still attached to this little one, down from the three she had.  We're so close!  We really liked this doctor.  Brandon says he reminded him of  Mr. Rodgers.  He was kind and encouraging, kinda soft spoken, a little bit animated, and just very gentle and calming especially in such an intense environment.

A rainy day as we get ready to head home.

One of the nurses awhile back made these cute signs for their beds.  It's funny how these little things made us feel more at home and cared for.  Previously it had been just a piece of paper with a printed #1 and #2 but I loved these.  I wish I could go back and thank these nurses and tell them that none of these little things were wasted.  They were all important and made a difference to me. 

I may not remember their names but I will always remember the nurses we had here.  I'll remember the ones who shared they're own stories, many of them had experienced their own babies in the N.I.C.U., and I'll remember all the ways they encouraged me along the way.  I remember one nurse bringing me a small bag of candy after a particularly stressful day.  I remember Jody, the stress, the laughs, the stories, and the day she called and got me the pediatrician I wanted.  I'll remember the nurse who made these signs and a cute feeding chart, I'll remember my labor and delivery nurse Katie,  I'll remember Willie and Shannon and Dr. Schelonka, and I'll remember the charge nurse who was always defending my choice to breastfeed.  In rounds with all the other specialists I heard her again and again when bottles were brought up tell the others, "No, let her figure this out! She's done this with 5 others and we don't want to sabotage her efforts by giving bottles too soon."  These are the people I've spent so much time with these past 2 weeks and will probably never see them again.  So, as we wrap up our time here I'm just feeling really thankful for all that they've done.

DAY 16 - May 26th - Sunday
We're getting these girls out of here and it almost feels surreal.  It's been such a long 2 weeks.  It feels like they've already been here such a long time and at the same time like its all still brand new.  

They passed their car seat test with no trouble last night.  For the test they had to spend an hour in their car seats hooked up to all the monitors to prove that their breathing and heart rates would remain stable in this position.  It was the first time I've dressed them in their own clothes and oh my goodness they're just little dolls!!!  They are swimming even in their preemie clothes and they are just so so precious.  I seriously cannot get over it... none of it...that there are two, that they are ours, how tiny they are...none of it!

So, now we are just packing up all the stuff we've accumulated here overt the past 2 weeks, waiting for all the discharge paperwork to be filled out, and imagine what life is going to feel like when we finally get home.

And here we go.... what a way to do this for our 6th and final time.  So many memories, so much to be thankful for, so much that still feels overwhelming, but for me outweighing it all is the feeling of being blessed.  Blessed by these new little lives and their precious bond, blessed by Brandon and the way that he has selflessly loved me during this time, blessed by the 5 siblings anxiously waiting at home to welcome these girls and show them the ropes, and blessed by my family and friends who have loved me so well during this time.  They've literally put their lives on hold these past two weeks.  They've been willing to do anything I asked big or small, they've been good sports about squeezing in visits between feedings, and they've brought me anything and everything I could possibly be craving including Panda, Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, Snapples, peach rings, and lots of Bo and Vine mint milkshakes.  They have sat in the waiting room with my squirmy kids so that other kids could come and see the babies, they've entertained, and driven, and cuddled, and fed, and done ALL of the things that I should have been doing.  All this so that I could be here and could be leaving today with two healthy thriving girls ready to take on the challenges that await me at home.  I truly take NONE of this for granted.  I know what it takes to take care of this family of mine and although I don't know what these next weeks will look like I do know that this could have looked so different and been so much more stressful.  I am grateful more than I could ever say for the gift of time with these girls that I've been given.

Our "favorite" nurse Jody was the one who walked us out and checked that the car seats were properly installed. 

She also loaded up all the frozen milk I accumulated.   Made her proud I'm pretty sure.  Haha!

First Stop...

Jimmy Johns.  We always get a sandwich on our way home from the hospital.  With Sadie I didn't eat any lunch meat at all while I was pregnant and only stayed in the hospital just over 24 hours after delivery so that was what I was craving on the way home and this has been our tradition ever since.  In the past it was always a Safeway deli sandwich which is kind of random because that's literally the only time we've ever eat sandwiches there, but there was a Saveway/Vons near our house in Glendora and there happened to also be one next to the hospital in Silverton.  This time we didn't do Safeway and it wasn't just Brandon and I but it still had to be sandwiches.  

Jimmy Johns for the whole family and then home for our first night as a family of 9!!!

Wish Us Luck!!!

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