Monday, May 11, 2020

1 Month Old

And just like that the girls are a month old already!  They've had 4 doctors appoints this month and at each they've continued to show good growth.  The did slow a little after we dropped one of their bottles and I was bummed to have to add it back, but by the end of month we were back on track with their growth.  Aubrey weighs 5lb 12oz and Maddie weighs 5lb 10oz.

These girls got lots of love on their first days home.  Literally anytime they aren't sleeping somebody is asking to hold them.

Babies holding babies...

 It's beautiful outside this time of year so Daddy spends most Saturdays outside with the big kids which is really nice.  Sadie and Wyatt got to try out driving the mower today which was a big deal and even the babies got to go outside for a bit in my fancy double baby carrier which I love!!!


This was my first purchase when I found out we were having twins.  I remember after the shock of it all wore off a little I started thinking how am I going to manage this and started researching the best baby products designed for twins.  I remember Robert saying it was a good sign that I was shopping and I guess he was allowed to say that because I'm pretty sure he experienced quite a few of my overwhelmed, tearful moments.  I remember one instance in particular that he brought me Panda Express when I wasn't feeling well, and I spent most of lunch crying.  Anyway, I'm so glad I bought this.  The girls like it and I love it!!!  It allows me to have my hands free and to participate in little things like this with the rest of the family which would otherwise be really difficult.

We made it out of the house today.  It was only to Grammy's house but that still felt like a big accomplishment.  Getting all these kiddos and babies and stuff out the door is no joke!  I seriously can't even imagine how we're going to do it when we have a deadline.


 Aubrey and Maddie


We had the Kaufmans over tonight and Payton was so excited to hold the babies.  I've never know a kid who's loves babies more than this one.

The kids talked the Dad's into laser tag.  It was serious business!  I'm pretty sure there was a Dad spotted in a tree and on the roof.

Evie cracks us up.  She's done really great with the babies but still it's kinda strange to see her as a big sister.   I honestly thought she was going to be the baby of our family.

This isn't a great picture but I just want to remember how tiny they were.  Their skinny little arms and those jerky baby movements.  We are so tired but I already know that  I will forever miss these brand new baby days.

Sitting outside with Daddy while he grills is one of our favorite places and baby bows are one of my favorite things about having a baby girl or two.

One Month!
This first month felt like it went by quickly!  Our weeks in the N.I.C.U. felt long but it didn't really feel like time started until we got home.  I think that is why I can't believe it's already been a month.   Anyway, Brandon took a week off after we got home and has been going into work late every day so that he can help me get breakfast for the kids.  My mom comes over and takes some of the kids every day or two and has been doing ALL of their laundry which is so helpful.  The girls sleep pretty well which I'm thankful for.  Their naps are inconsistent but they take some in their beds and on the rough nights I just call Grammy first thing in the morning and she comes to help.  Often she just takes all the big kids over to her house until quiet time which lets me sleep when the babies sleep.  I don't know what I'd do without all the help

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