Friday, May 15, 2020

2 Months Old

Month 2 was much like the first.  The girls are spending more and more time awake and starting to get into a little more of a regular napping rhythm which is nice.  The bigger kids are enjoying helping with bottle feedings now that the babies are getting better at taking them without so much choking, and we've had 2 more doctors appointments.  The girls continue to gain well and we were able to drop a bottle at each of our appointments which means we're down to only 2.  Yay!!!  I'm really anxious to be finished with bottles.  I mean it's nice that I can leave them with Grammy for a little bit while I run out to get groceries and it's fun letting the kids be involved in their feedings, but for the most part it just feels like extra work.  We are still fortifying their bottles with a different type of formula for each girl because of Maddie's "milk allergy."  So every time I give a bottle I have to mix the milk, wash the bottles, and pump.  I'd so much rather just sit down and feed them, especially as they're getting better and better at nursing.

My friend Courtney gave us 2 of these great muslin floor blankets.  They are one of my favorite things.  We bring them everywhere!

The big kids are getting pretty good at helping with bottles. 

They LOVE their Twinnies, as Hazel has taken to calling them.
They are constantly asking to hold them and for the most part are really careful although I can already tell as they get more and more comfortable I'm going to need to keep a closer and closer eye.

Such tiny toes.  I can't get over how little these girls are.  At 7 weeks old Aubrey was 7lb 3oz and Maddie was 6lb 13 oz, smaller than most of my babies when they were born, and at 9 weeks Aubrey was 8lb 2 oz and Maddie was 7lb 14oz.

Miss Harper!  We Love Her!

Hazel is in her element, holding babies.

Also this month Grandpa came out to visit and meet the girls.

And we braved our first trip to church.  Talk about an adventure.  I'm not sure if I'll ever totally get use to all the looks as we pile this massive group in and out of this massive car.

We knew it was going to be a challenge to keep two babies safe and happy with the amount of activity that is constantly happening in our home.  So we invested in a variety of carriers allowing us to carry babies individually or tandem and things like swings, and bouncers, and bumbos to keep them up off the ground.
Daddy trying out his "Dad" carrier.

Maddie (L) and Aubrey (R)
I never really used a swing with the other kids because they take up so much space but they've been a lifesaver with these girls.

The boys decided to have a sleep over in the girls room.

I think we're all a little worn out.  These early baby days aren't for the faint of heart, especially with twins.


Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

Our little herd of goats has really grown.  It's almost time to start finding some of them new homes.

Livin' the dream I believe is how Brandon captioned this one, sarcastically of course, but seriously these girls are amazing.  We still look at each other from time to time and say, "There's 2 of them!"

First trip to Home Depot in Daddy's truck!

4th of July!


2 Month Photos!
Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

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