Sunday, May 17, 2020

3 Months Old

The girls are doing great, we are continuing to find our new rhythm, and the big kids are just as excited about their "twinnies" as ever.  The girls go down for naps pretty easily most days which is great and they're sleeping from about 8:00 p.m. until 8:30 a.m. which is awesome!  They wake for feedings at 10:00 p.m., 3:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., but that still feels like some decent sleeping stretches.  I remember before we had the girls trying to figure out how in the world this was going to work.  I literally could not get my mind around it.  How would I get them in and out of their cribs and how would I feed two and get two to nap at the same time?  We actually almost bought a little couch because I'd read some things saying that it was impossible to nurse twins in a glider, but then I found this great over sized glider that fit my huge nursing pillow and honestly to my surprise we figured it out.  Right now I can even get them in and out of bed all by myself.  I don't know what I'm going to do when they start rolling but for now I strap on my pillow, lay one on the glider while I get the other one out of bed, and then if I sit on the very edge of the glider I can scoot the baby laying down up onto my pillow, twist around and were ready to go.  When I think ahead to the next things I'm always overwhelmed but then when we get there we always seem to figure it out.  So I'm trying hard to remind myself of this when I'm tempted to worry about how we will manage the mess of solid foods, or crawling, or even when they stand and I have to lower the cribs making it harder for me to lift them back in at night.  One day at a time, right?   I still just can't even believe that they sleep through each others noises and that I can lay them in their cribs one handed, which isn't always smooth, and they just go right to sleep.  I'm so thankful that despite all the difficult parts some of these things have really been so much easier than I'd anticipated.

As far as milestones this month, one of my favorites is that they have really started smiling a lot which is so fun.  Besides this they had 2 more doctor appointments this month and Aubrey has finally made it to the 1st percentile!  She weighed 9 lb 3 oz at their last doctor appointment and Maddie is right behind her at 8 lb 14 oz.  Also on August 1st we gave our last bottles!!!!!!!  Yay!!!  This feels like a huge accomplishment.  I've worked really hard to get to this point and though I tried hard ahead of time to prepare myself for the fact that I might not be able to make this work with twins I'm really thankful that it has and for all the people who have supported us.  It's a big commitment from me but it's also a big commitment from Brandon and even the kids as it has taken A LOT of my time especially in these early months.  I'm also thankful for my sister in law who gave me a bunch of milk which took pressure off of me from the very beginning.  I was so worried about not having enough and having this as a back up made a big difference.  And then there's my doctor who I love more and more with each visit.  She has been one of my biggest cheerleader in all of this.  She literally hops up and down and claps and tells me how great we're doing when she looks at their weights which mind you are adequate buy nothing all that amazing.  It might sound stupid, but I'm really thankful for her enthusiasm and encouragement.  It makes all the difference to this Momma who stresses a bit to much about stuff like this.

Aubrey and Maddie

Every night we work hard to wake these girls up to take their bottles at 10:00.  They're always sooo sleepy.


We were out grabbing a few things at the store, just me and the babies, when I glanced down to see Aubrey looking at me and just smiling and smiling.  I'm not sure I've ever noticed such a big and long smile as this one.

Matching makes it impossible to tell them apart but it's so cute I can't help myself.

Here's where we spend a lot of our day.

Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

This is literally all day every day for these two.  Hazel and Evie literally wait outside the door.  I can hear them talking and playing while I feed the babies and then when I say we're done they're right back in their business acting as if they haven't seen them in days.

My cousin Sarah made these cute onsies for the girls.
Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)


Aubrey (L) and Maddie (R)

The girls turned 3 months on our first trip up to Caldera.  Our family purchased a vacation rental up there and had the opportunity to try it out before we started renting it which was fun.

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