Sunday, May 28, 2017

1st Day of School 2016!

Wait is it the first day of school or the last???  Oh ya we're heading into the last week of school but I haven't posted my first day pictures yet.  Yikes!

I always feel that nervous excitement as the 1st day of school approaches.  As a kid I remember getting excited to write my name on all my supplies and check the class list to see who my teacher was and who was going to be in my class.  Then as a teacher I would get excited to write my first lesson plans and prep all the supplies for my students and our big first day, and now with my own kids it's fun to decorate and plan a fun breakfast and buy all of their supplies.  I think I'm as excited as them although sad at the same time as I'm never quite ready to send them off.  

Happy 1st Day of School 2016!

The weekend before school starts we always get to see the kids' classrooms.  We meet the teachers, drop off supplies, and check out their new classrooms and seats.  I love this because it helps take a little bit of the nervousness out of the 1st day.  This year Sadie will be in Ms. Bell's 1st grade class and Wyatt will be in Mrs. Lute's kindergarten class.  

Both the kids are excited for their first day but I have to say Wyatt is especially pumped.  I'm pretty sure he spent most of last year looking forward to being in Kindergarten and it's awesome that he already knows and is very comfortable with Mrs. Lute from seeing her almost everyday last year as we would drop off and pick up Sadie.  Mrs. Lute has been so sweet about getting to know our whole family.  In fact, funny story, Uncle Robert thought that he saw Mrs. Lute at Costco over the summer and asked the kids "Does she drive a red van?"  They said, "I think so."  Then he asked, "Does she have dark hair?"  Again they replied "I think so."  Then he asked, "Is she really nice??"  At this they very excitedly answered, "YA THAT'S HER!!!"  

Our First Day Pancakes
A number 1 for Sadie our big 1st grader.

 A "K" for Wyatt our Kindergartner.

 Saying goodbye to Daisy.

 Spider Man a.k.a Cooper was also pumped about the 1st day of school!

I seriously cannot believe Wyatt is already off to Kindergarten.  I'm feeling like if I even blink they are going to be all grown up.  I'm so sad but so excited because he's so excited.  We did his testing over the summer and whereas Sadie was done pretty quickly Wyatt used the full allotted time because he had so many things to tell Mrs.  Lute.  She heard all about our family and the shows he watches and how Cole's his best buddy and every other thing that popped into his head I'm sure.  We've had to warn her that he might not be quite as quite as his older sister, but he will undoubtedly be one of her most enthusiastic learners.
 Wyatt is in Kindergarten.  He is 5 years old.  He wants to be a builder when he grows up.  His favorite colors are black and pink.  His favorite things are his hot wheel's garage, baseball, playing with Daddy, kitties, and Zoey.

Sadie is off to 1st grade this year and I can't believe that either.  It feels like a big deal to be sending her to school all day this year.  Her time at school is more than doubling from 3 hours in Kindergarten to now 7 hours and I have to admit I'm a little sad to be packing her a lunch and sending her off for such a big part of the day.  However, I know that she is going to do great, which is more than I can say for myself. :( 
Sadie is in 1st Grade. She is 6 years old. She wants to be a mom or a teacher when she grows up. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. Her favorite things are Daisy, shrimp and noodles, playing baby, Zoey, and Hazel

They're off... and as they go we pray that Lord would look after them while we are apart, that He would bring good friends into their lives, that they would be good friends to others and good students for their teachers, that He would bless their teachers and give them much wisdom and patience as they teach and mold and discipline, and that He would continue to guide us as we parent them desiring to raise above all children who love the Lord and out of that the people around them.

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