Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Miss Stephanie

Wyatt has been receiving speech therapy for the past 9 months and has grown tremendously.  When we started he was18 months old and he wasn't talking at all.  Sometimes I thought I heard a "mama" but even that was inconsistent.  I was reluctant to start speech therapy as I was pretty sure it was simply a matter of having an older sister who talks for him, but we did, at the recommendation of our pediatrician, and it has been a wonderful experience.  Wyatt has grown so much and has loved making a new friend and having this special time just for him each week. 
Miss Stephanie came to us just as Cooper was born and I remember being concerned about the timing of it all as it was adding just one more change for Wyatt, but he adored Miss Stephanie immediately.  She was so sweet with him, always laughing at his little ways and encouraging him.  She was also great about including Sadie in their playtime which she loved!  So, when we found out that we had to say good bye because she was getting married and continuing on in school we were all a little sad, but thankful to have gotten to know her.
When Wyatt began speech therapy he was 18 months old and they said his receptive language skills were at 9-12 months and his expressive language skills were at 6 months.  6 months later at 2 years old they retested him and his receptive language skills had moved to the 21-24 month range and his expressive language skills had moved to the 18-21 month range with scattered skills even higher.  We are very proud of him and excited to see where he is when they evaluate him again later this month. 
 Every Wednesday Wyatt waits at the window for Miss Stephanie's car and then excitedly comes to me saying "Stephanie, Stephanie" when he sees her so that he can let her in.
Then as soon has he has let her in he runs to the rug and plops down ready to play.

Best Wishes Miss Stephanie.  We miss you!!!

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