This is destined to be a long post as it seems like so much has happened, but it is what it is and I'm learning that that's how life goes and it's okay.
So for the past almost 3 weeks I've been in Oregon saying goodbye to my Dad, supporting and being supported by my family, taking care of Sadie, and introducing her to her so many loving aunts and uncles, great aunts and uncles, great grandparents, and many more. It was such a blessing to get to spend so much time up there. I felt like I was able to be a part of my family the way I wanted to and to focus on being a sister and daughter for a little while. Now however I am glad to be home again settling back into life with Brandon and Sadie.
Right now life feels like a bit of a blur to me with so much having just happened and the holidays right around the corner, but I'm trying to stay focused on the many ways that I've been blessed and the theme seems to be new things.
First there is the blessing of Sadie. She has just learned to smile and is starting to watch us and smile when we talk to her and that has been so much fun. Second, I love decorating for Christmas so as soon as I got home I pulled out our tree, turned on the Christmas music, and set to decorating our house. As I decorated I thought about the reason we celebrate and again it's about a new baby who was sent. Christmas is the beginning of the story which ends with our salvation and so today I am filled with hope that I will see my Dad again because of a newborn baby sent on that very first Christmas. Finally, today Brandon and some of our friends laid sod on our front lawn. Our lawn has been very dead since this past summer and I'm already loving our new lawn and the fact that we have friends who are willing to spend a Saturday helping us out. So today although my heart is tired and aching it is also full and I am truly thankful for all things new!
Alright now for a bunch of pictures I hope you enjoy seeing what we've been up to and how Sadie is growing.
Uncle Caleb is a pretty young uncle at 15 but I was impressed by how well he did with Sadie.
Auntie Kendy was so excited to meet Sadie and get some cuddle time.