Saturday, October 6, 2018

Summer 2018

There are so many things to love about summer.  In addition the adventures already posted we also spent time...

1. Picking Strawberries at Greensbridge

2. Picking fruit at home

3. Enjoying Popsicles

4. Checking out the BIG trucks at the library and participating in the summer reading program.

5. Spending time with Great Grandpa.

Evie LOVES Great Grandpa and Great Grandpa loves her.  Although I'm fairly certain he shouldn't be picking her up, he can't resist her sweetness.

6. Potty Training

Cooper worked hard and we are finally potty trained through the night.  I'm so proud of him for being such a good sport about it all and he was happy to earn some new legos and his new hedgehog beanie boo, Chubbs.

7. Picking blueberries at Blueberry Meadows

8. Swimming with Auntie Kendy and Grammy

9. Playing with friends

I'm not great about planning playdates but we did have Cole and Kasey over this summer as well as Violet.  That's pretty good for us.

10. Planting and enjoying our summer flowers.

I worked on the planter by the BBQ this summer trying to get on top of the weeds and replanting in some of the spaces where we've torn things out.

I love the roses in the front of our house.  I need to learn more about caring for them but they sure give us such beautiful color every year.

This was my favorite summer addition.  Katie helped me purchase some hydrangeas to pot near the front door and I was stunned by how beautiful and healthy they were coming from the nursery where she works.

These little guys love hiding on the leaves of my hydrangeas.

11. Playing at Grammy's House

We wrapped up the summer with Game Day at Grammy's house on Labor Day.  This little one couldn't quite hang :)

12. Playing with Pearl and her kittens

Cat's are funny creatures.  Daisy always seemed so sad when we sent her kittens off so being the softies we are we let the kids talk us into keeping one kitten from her last litter.  So now we have 2 cats but Daisy currently seems mostly irritated that Pearl is still around and Pearl is just not that friendly.  I literally can't yet near her yet apparently she likes Hazel, so go figure.  Anyway in July Robert was over and told us that he thought she was prego.  I swear he can spot a prego from a mile away.  I couldn't believe it she's only 7 months old but what do you know he was right.  She had them one week before her appointment to be spayed.  So one more round of kittens it is.  Thankfully she only had 3 and sadly only one of them made it but the kids are sure loving our surprise kitten and as a bonus Pearl is much much tamer now.

Oh and this happened because Fleas....Ewww!

13. Breeding Zoey

I feel like we might be crazy but we also decided to breed Zoey this summer.  We've always planned on breeding her at some point but we finally got around to having her hips x-rayed and filing all her paperwork to be registered.  So it's looking like in a month or so we will be adding a litter of puppies to our family...our farm...our Zoo!

14. Playing with our goats

15. Lots and Lots of Legos and Puzzles

I consider this one to be quite the accomplishment.  1000 pieces that seriously all looked the same.  The boys were so funny.  I had to do most of the puzzle but they were there helping and reminding me that this was the "coolest puzzle we've ever done!!!  Doesn't Boba Fett look Awesome?"  How can I argue with that right?

16. Just hanging around

Well it's definitely with a great deal of sadness that we say goodbye to the long days of summer, to nights with relaxed bedtimes followed by slow mornings, to lots and lots of playing and messes, to beach trips and swimming and fruit picking.  I've truly loved having everyone home together and yet as the natives grow restless I am also reminded of how good it is to get back into a tighter routine for this next season, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it was with joy that I said goodbye to our final Costco trip of the summer!

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