Monday, June 1, 2015


We welcomed the month of April and Springtime with new baby lambs at the dairy.  Uncle Robert decided to raise a dozen bummer lambs this year and the kids had so much fun, especially during the first few weeks, feeding and playing with them.

Wyatt is most definitely an animal lover.  He was so sweet and gentle with the babies.

A few of the lambs had been born that very morning so Uncle Robert had to do a lot of the feeding and keep track of which ones had been fed and which ones hadn't, and let me just say I'm glad it wasn't me because they all basically look the same.

A big thank you to my kiddos who actually tried to cooperate so that I could take my Easter picture.

After church we headed to Grammy's house for Easter lunch and an egg hunt.  My niece Payton absolutely cannot get enough of Hazel.  She loves babies more than any kid I've ever met.  She literally comes running if she hears her cry, is constantly wanting to be close to give her love, and says over and over how we have the cutest baby.  She's also wished 3 or maybe 10 more on her mommy and daddy.

The Egg Hunt

Checking out their loot!

This is the kind of picture you get when you disturb the children from looking through their eggs in order to take a picture.

 And then when you start to bribe them with the candy in their eggs you get this.

 But a majority of them still end up looking like these.  Can someone please explain to me why sticking your tongue out for the camera is so funny?  There must be a scientific explanation because every one of them, including their Daddy, thinks it's funny!

Our Hazelnut
Hazel just keeps growing and changing.  She's smiling more and and more easily, definitely starting to recognize us and her name when we talk to her, and our favorite is when she coos at Daddy.  She is just starting to get vocal but Daddy is pretty good at getting her going.

2 Months Old

 She loves her hands!  Can't get her to take a pacifier of any kind, but she will work all day to get her fist or even better a couple of fingers into her mouth.

At the very end of the month we celebrated Sadie's promotion from Cubbies.  She worked very hard this year learning all of her verses and making a lot of new friends.  Her table leader Mrs. Smith was absolutely the sweetest and kindest, and her director Mrs. Lau was so wonderful too!  Every time I would come into their classroom at the end of the night to hear them praying and singing together I was so thankful for these strangers who were willing to invest in Sadie's life, teaching her about Jesus and helping her to grow.  

I remember vividly how much turmoil I was in deciding where to send her.  The program at Jefferson Baptist was bigger than many of the others in the area and Wyatt couldn't go because they only accepted children who were already 4, but it was also the closest to home and I felt like although it might be hard for Sadie to go all by herself it would probably be good for her.  I had taken her to the Doctor the summer before she started Awana's and realized just how shy she was without her constant companion Wyatt.  They do everything together, and up until now have pretty much always been in the same classes.  Even when we took her to Vacation Bible School they were in the same class, and that was actually the only reason she agreed to go.  Anyway, all that to say that this Mommy was worried about dropping her off in a place that we were both unfamiliar with, but we were so blessed!  She loved it and it was a great time for her, although I'm a little sad to realize how much she's grown up when I think about the year and how much confidence and independence she has gained.

A Few Random Memories...
The time we figured out that we could all ride horse Daddy at the same time.

The Time we dressed up in the silliest costumes we could think of!

And the time my baby couldn't stop smiling even though it was late and she was suppose to be sleeping. 

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