As you can see from my previous post he was being anxiously awaited. My doctor planned to induce me Tuesday morning and I was willing to do anything to make him come before that. So, Thursday my brother Robert and I walked 4 miles, on Friday we walked another 4 miles and drank a pineapple smoothie, on Saturday we took Sadie to the zoo, ate more pineapple, and then while Sadie napped I raked leaves and worked on the yard with Brandon and Robert, and finally on Sunday, as I felt I was running out of options, I took a small amount of Castor oil and hoped for the best.
Walking in style :)
The Santa Ana Zoo
Sunday went a like this...9:00 We went to church, I felt fine.
11:30 We went out to lunch and I still felt fine.
12:30 We pulled back into our driveway and I had my first contraction. I wasn't sure if it was the real thing so I tried not to get to excited yet. We all watched the football game for awhile but after about a half hour of laying on the couch I was feeling more and more contractions and beginning to think that this was it. So, I moved around for a bit cleaning-up/wandering around the house and writing in my journal for as long as I could. I was counting the length of my contractions and guessed them to be about 30 seconds at this point.
2:00 I took a bath which eased my contractions some but as soon as I got up they were strong again.
3:00 Robert took Sadie to the park and Brandon and I began to time contractions. At this point they were about 45 seconds long with about a minute and a half between each one. Now with Sadie we were almost to early getting to the hospital even though I thought that my contractions were close together and strong. I was in labor with her 14 hours at home and another 13 at the hospital. So, with Wyatt we were really trying to wait it out longer at home but after only about 30 minutes, although it seemed crazy, I was ready to go to the hospital. Brandon tried to encourage me to wait a full hour as our classes had taught us but after only 1 more contraction I assured him that we needed to go now. I was afraid I was getting ahead of myself again but didn't really care at this point. So, we said good bye to Robert and Sadie and headed to the hospital.
4:00 we checked into the hospital, they checked me, and they said I was already at 7 cm. I couldn't believe we were that far already. Almost immediately they began getting everything ready for Wyatt's delivery and calling my doctor. It was all so unbelievably different than it was with Sadie. It seemed like only a few minutes went by and the E.R. doctor was in my room and I was pushing. I remember the nurse telling me that my baby was going to be here any minute and me in disbelief focusing on meeting him soon and doing what they told me to do.
Wyatt was born at 5:35 with no complications. He was 7 pounds 1 ounce, 21 inches long, and we are thrilled to finally have him with us.
Many of you have asked about Sadie and she is doing great. She wasn't sure what to make of him at first but she is happy to show people her baby, loves to give him kisses, and has been having a great time this week hanging out with Daddy as we all adjust. Its really been sweet to watch her with him and to see her trying to process all of this as much as she can being so little herself.